- Formula for blood formation
- Contains iron, vitamins B12, C and folic acid
- Vitamin C as magnesium, potassium and zinc ascorbat
- Non-acidic form of Vitamin C
- Formula for respiratory tract and immune system
- Contains purple coneflower (echinacea), indigo herb, downy birch, nasturtium and lesser nettle
- Formula for the immune system
- Contains horsetail, rough birch, spiny spiderflower and goldenro
- Contains 30 ml of dandelion extract (Taraxacum officinale)
- alcohol-based herbal tincture
- Oil with medium chain triglyceride (MCT) fatty acids
- 100% natural coconut oil
- Vegan D3 from lichen
- Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
- With 100% natural iron from curry leaves
- Supplemented with Vitamin C from Acerola, Nettle, Turmeric, Ginger and Black Pepper
- Formula for heart and blood vessels
- Contains American witch hazel, white horse chestnut, field honeysuckle, milk thistle, fall wort and rue.