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About your health

It is recommended that you present medical questions, complaints or symptoms to your general practitioner or other professional healthcare providers in a timely manner in order to receive professional examination, diagnostics and possibly medical care.

In cases of illnesses, medical complaints, medical treatments or medical research, the information provided is for support purposes only and has been provided to you by non-medically qualified personnel. In addition, we recommend that you should never delay seeking professional care in a timely manner or disregard medical advice already obtained based on the information we provide on our websites or in our correspondence with you ( by email or telephone).

The supplement information should be regarded as a general guideline that applies to non-severe, common and everyday complaints. Because complications or side effects may also occur with less serious complaints, it is important to seek professional medical attention when in doubt and in case of persistent or increasing complaints.

On pregnancy and breastfeeding

If a product does not explicitly state that it is intended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult with a doctor or other professional before using the product.

On Children

If a product does not explicitly state that it is intended for children, you should consult a physician or other professional before giving it to a child.

Deviant Warnings

Because different dietary supplement manufacturers provide varying health warnings, we choose to sometimes deviate from the advice provided and/or include additional warnings. For important warnings, we rely on the advice recently (January 2022) issued by the NPN on the use of cautionary statements.

About the information on this website

Although all information on our websites and in our emails have been compiled with care and attention, it cannot be ruled out that information may be inaccurate, incomplete and/or not up-to-date.


If you have any questions as a result of the above, please feel free to contact us.

Or visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.