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Frequently asked questions about dietary supplements

Medical and health claims

Why is there no medical information on Smeets & Graas?

It is not allowed. According to articles 19 and 20 of the Commodities Act, it is forbidden to connect medical claims to food (which legally includes food supplements). It makes no difference to the law whether or not a product is proven to be effective at any particular thing. The terminology we use on the website (e.g. "Contributes to the normal functioning of the heart") are health claims (see also the next question). Health claims are a kind of downscaled version of medical claims and are allowed.

Supervision of compliance with the Commodities Act is done by the NVWA (Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority). Supervision of commercial and other public statements is done by the Inspection Board KOAGKAG.

If you want to know more about this, you can always contact us.

What are health claims?

For food, European Claim legislation has been in force since 2012 (EU Regulation 432/2012). The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has determined and established for which substances a health claim can be made.

A health claim is, for example, "Vitamin C Contributes to the normal functioning of blood vessels."
Many minerals and vitamins have multiple health claims.

Most health claims are currently linked to vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. For herbs and botanicals, discussions have been going on for years. The claims currently used for these substances are "on hold". That means they can be used until a decision has been made.

And substances without health claims?

For a number of substances, however, there are no authorized claims (yet) and consequently no health-related claims may be made about these substances. This is the case, for example, with probiotics, Q10 and all amino acids. Also, substances that only really came on the market after 2012 (such as CBD) do not yet have health claims.

However, this does not mean that these substances have no effect and are therefore useless. Nevertheless, EFSA's criteria are such that it is extremely difficult (and expensive) to get new health claims registered. This procedure takes years, costs a lot of money and is really only achievable by large companies. And even then, success is not guaranteed. Only a few new claims have been approved since 2012.

In the United States, this is very different, isn't it?

That's right. The US legislation in this area is somewhat similar to the way it was in Europe before 2012: for almost every substance there are some sort of claims to be made. The stricter European legislation is based on consumer protection. In the United States, freedom is the basis. Of course, there is something to be said for both. The fact is that the U.S. is very dominant in the global food supplement market and much of the innovation takes place there as well..

Supplements in general

Why should I use nutritional supplements?

There are several reasons why a nutritional supplement would be a good addition to your diet. First of all, many people do not manage to eat enough fruits and vegetables every day or oily fish twice a week. In this case, a good multivitamin or fish oil is a good supplement.

Besides, in certain circumstances, such as during pregnancy, exercise, aging or chronic diseases, the body needs extra nutrients. It is also common for people to choose a supplement, for example, for sleep, to support strong bones and joints or for healthy cholesterol levels.

What does the term RI stand for?

RI stands for Reference Intake and replaces the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance). RI is a guideline for the intake of vitamins and minerals in particular. RI and RDA are numerically equal. Reference Intakes are established by the Committee on Dietary Standards of the Netherlands Nutrition Council. The recommended reference intake is sufficient to prevent deficiency diseases, such as scurvy in the absence of Vitamin C.

What is the difference between vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals have more similarities than differences. In the body, both are indispensable in many processes. The only difference is chemical in nature: vitamins are organic substances and as such come from living nature, while minerals are inorganic substances and as such come from dead nature.

Compare it to sugar, which is organic (extracted from sugar beet or sugar cane), while table salt is inorganic (extracted from salt mines).

What is vitamin status and how is it being determined?

Vitamin status is the amount of a vitamin available in the body to allow the normal functions of organs and tissues to take place. To determine vitamin status, one measures the level of the biologically active form of the vitamin in blood, blood plasma, blood cells and/or urine.

Sometimes a particular function in the body in which the vitamin is involved is also measured. In special cases, and if possible, the content of a vitamin in one or more tissues (for example, in fat) is also measured.

Do you improve your health by taking a multivitamin supplement every day?

Taking a Multivitamin supplement gives you more assurance that you are getting enough vitamins to prevent diseases that result from vitamin deficiency. However, extra vitamins alone do not guarantee good health. Hereditary predisposition, for example, affects health and vitamin requirements.

The same goes for an unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking, little exercise, high-calorie food and lots of stress. In addition to vitamins, many other substances from food are important for health. Therefore, a Multivitamin supplement cannot be used as a replacement for a varied diet.

Is there a lot of difference between the quality of all those different supplement brands on the market?

Nutritional supplements differ in quality, just like other products.

Manufacturers can produce according to guidelines applicable to the food industry or comply with GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practices: guidelines applicable to the pharmaceutical industry).

The quality and origin of raw materials varies; there are varying degrees of purity and the source can be synthetic or natural.

Additions to the active ingredients vary. For example, various excipients are used in the making of tablets and substances are sometimes added to increase efficacy, for example bioflavonoids and fruit extracts to vitamin C preparations.

The absorbability and effectiveness of different forms of vitamins and minerals can vary enormously. For example, natural vitamin E is much more effective than the synthetic variety. Mineral compounds also have different properties. Calcium bound to amino acids, for example, is much better absorbed than the widely used (cheaper) calcium carbonate (chalk).

The various brands of nutritional supplements differ further by service to customers, accessibility for consumers and choice of distribution channel: in specialist shops there is greater opportunity to get good advice than in the mass retail channel.

Safety & Health

Why should I stick to the recommended dosage?

The recommended doses are not only important for safety, they are at least as important for the product to work optimally. Taking too little or not taking a product every day can lead to suboptimal efficacy.

Why is vitamin E added to many supplements?

Vitamine E is sometimes added to a product because it naturally protects the capsule from oxidation. It has no health impact in these doses. On the label, Vitamin E is often listed as 'tocopherol-rich extracts', which is the legally prescribed indication for Vitamin E when used as an added antioxidant and not as a primary ingredient.

Are my supplements free from contaminating substances?

Your supplements are extensively analysed for impurities (e.g. heavy metals, radioactivity, microbiology) by independent laboratories before being released for sale. The NVWA monitors the quality of dietary supplements.

Can I still use a supplement after it has expired?

If the product is past its expiry date, it generally means that the manufacturer cannot guarantee the label claim beyond the expiry date: the activity of the ingredients is no longer a 100%. This applies in particular to capsules, powders and tablets. For liquid products and softgels, the situation is different. If the date has expired, we recommend not taking the product. It cannot be guaranteed that the contents are still of optimal quality.

Do you have any other health recommendations?

In terms of diet, it is important to make sure it is rich in fruits and vegetables and regular fatty fish (wild, not farmed) on the menu is also important. Avoid sugar, white flour products and processed foods. A diet as recommended by the Dutch Nutrition Centre (Voedingscentrum) is not sufficient. It is too poor in essential nutrients. Even if the advice of the Nutrition Centre is followed accurately, it leads to many nutritional deficiencies. This is the conclusion of both the Dutch Health Council and the Nutrition Centre itself.

More recommendations:
  • no sugar and white flour products such as pasta and bread (although wholemeal bread is recommended)
  • no soft drinks (including light varieties)
  • no fruit juices (homemade, including all pulp, is good though)
  • no deep-fried food and fast food
  • no/little alcohol
  • lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (cook vegetables as briefly as possible)
  • no supposedly healthy cruesli and other well-known bread substitutes
  • higher intake of omega-3
  • lower intake of omega-6 (sunflower oil, crisps, biscuits, meal salads with sauce)
  • use real butter, olive oil and unrefined coconut oil
  • do not cook at too high a temperature (max. 170 degrees celcius; this temperature is reached quickly)
  • drink plenty of water and green tea or herbal tea
  • unprocessed food as much as possible
  • as much organic as possible
  • plenty of exercise, if possible
Can I take several dietary supplements at once?

Yes. Almost all dietary supplements can be taken at the same time. However, there are sometimes exceptions, which are mentioned on the label if this is the case. For example, it is not advisable to take an amino acid together with other amino acids at the same time ( for reasons of absorption).

Can I use multiple dietary supplements alongside each other?

Just as you can use different foods side by side, the same is possible with dietary supplements.

For example, a Multivitamin and a fish oil capsule combine well. You do have to be careful not to overlap too much in ingredients if you use multiple dietary supplements. Although overdosing almost never occurs in practice.

Can I lose weight safely and quickly with dietary supplements?

People who are overweight, or those who want to stay at a healthy weight can benefit greatly from various nutritional supplements. It can be complementary to a diet or can be part of the daily healthy diet with quality food. Dietary supplements are not slimming pills in the general sense and are therefore a lot safer considering effects that slimming pills might have.


Can dietary supplements be combined with regular medicines?

Most dietary supplements can be used alongside medicines. But there are exceptions. For example, people taking anticoagulants should not take high doses of vitamin K.

When taking any medication, always check the label to see if there is a warning for use with certain types of drugs. If in doubt, consult your doctor or pharmacy.

Can dietary supplements be combined with antidepressants or benzodiazepines?

Supplements such as Tryptophan, 5-HTP, St John's Wort, Theanine and other substances that act on the brain and/or neurotransmitters should not be used together with antidepressants.

In some cases, this can cause negative symptoms and can be dangerous.

Medicines can lower your levels of certain vitamins and minerals. Can I suffer from this too?

Aluminium Antacids (Gaviscon®, Maalox®, Mylanta®), are medications used to treat heartburn.

Taking these medications can lower your levels, or increase your requirements for the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

Beta-blockers (Rhoxal-atenolol®, Tenolin®, Tenormin®), are used to treat hypertension, migraine headaches and for support after a heart attack.

Taking these medications can lower your levels, or increase your requirements for the following nutrients:

  • Q10
  • Melatonin

CIPROFLOXACIN (Cipro®, Ciloxan®), is an antimicrobial agent used against (bladder and urinary tract) infections.

Taking these medications can lower your levels, or increase your requirements for the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Biotin
  • Inositol
  • Thiamin (vitamin B1)
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin K
  • Zinc
  • Probiotics

COLESEVELAM (WelChol®), is used against elevated cholesterol, sometimes in combination with statins.

Taking these medications can lower your levels, or increase your requirements for the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Iron

ETHINYL ESTRADIOL (Ovral®, Lo/Ovral®, Low-Ogestrel®), is also called the pill.

Taking these medications can lower your levels, or increase your requirements for the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Folic acid
  • Magnesium
  • Tyrosine
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc

FLUOXETINE (Prozac), is an antidepressant that acts on the serotonin system.

Taking these medications can lower your levels, or increase your requirements for the following nutrients:

ACETAMINOPHEN (paracetamol), Is used against pain.

Taking these drugs may lower your levels, or increase your requirement for the following nutrients:


Do supplements dissolve in water?

There are some supplements that dissolve well in water, however, this is by no means the case for all of them. If we do not mention that a supplement dissolves in water, you should assume that this is not the case.

Can I just open capsules?

No, you cannot unless otherwise indicated. Some substances may cause a burning sensation in the oesophagus or acid regurgitation if not taken as a capsule.

How long will it take before I start feeling some effect from the supplements?

Because other aspects of your diet, recent health, weight and genetics can all affect how long it takes to notice positive changes, it is difficult to say exactly when the desired effects begin.

We always recommend using at least one whole package before judging.

Is the time you take vitamins important?

It is best to take vitamin supplements during meals. This is because fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed in combination with meals, which usually contain a certain amount of fat. Also Vitamin C is better taken during meals, as it improves the absorption of iron from meals.

In addition, vitamin C counteracts the formation of harmful nitrosamines from nitrate in the stomach. For the vitamins belonging to the vitamin B complex, the time of intake does not matter.

Fish oil is best taken just before or during a meal. And it is best if that meal contains some fat. And preferably not at the same time as excessively hot food.


Can vitamin supplements deteriorate in quality during storage?

Nowadays, an expiry date is listed on the packaging of most vitamin supplements. If it has not expired and if you store vitamin supplements properly (cool, dry and dark) deterioration in quality does not easily occur.

Do not store them in a medicine cabinet in the bathroom or in the fridge, as they will absorb moisture there. A dark place, such as a kitchen cupboard, is perfect.

Can you tell me what is the minimum and maximum temperature for supplements?

It is more important to make sure the supplements do not get too hot; they can handle cold. 10 degrees won't hurt at all.

However, do not store them in the fridge (unless indicated). Some capsules cannot stand this very well, such as fishoil capsules.

Label deviations

To provide you with uniform information on our website, we have 'normalised' many label texts. It is therefore possible that texts on our website differ from the texts on a product's label. However, these are minor adjustments and the essence of the information is always the same.

For important warning texts, we base ourselves on advice on the use of warning texts issued by the NPN ('branch association'). There may be more warnings on our website than on a product's label.

Health concerns

You are advised to timely present medical questions, complaints or symptoms to your (family) physician or other professional healthcare provider in order to receive professional examination, diagnostics and possibly medical care.

In cases of illnesses, medical complaints, treatments or research, the information provided is for support purposes only and has been provided to you by non-medically qualified personnel. Additionally, we recommend that you never hesitate in seeking timely professional care or disregard medical advice already obtained based on the information we provide on our websites or in our correspondence with you.

The supplement information should be regarded as a general guideline that applies to non-serious, common and everyday complaints. As complications or side effects may also occur in less serious complaints, it is important to seek professional medical help when in doubt and in case of persistent or increasing complaints.

Pregnancy and lactation

If a product does not explicitly state that it is intended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, it is advisable if you are pregnant or breastfeeding to consult a doctor or other expert before using the product.


If a product does not explicitly state that it is intended for children, it is advisable to consult a doctor or other expert before giving it to a child.

Information on this website

Although all information on our websites, in our emails and in other forms of communication has been compiled with care and attention, it cannot be ruled out that information may be inaccurate, incomplete and/or not up-to-date.