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Privacy and Cookies

This Privacy Statement has been updated for the last time on August 10, 2018.
Privacy statement

Personal data are processed through (hereinafter: Smeets & Graas), the web shop for food supplements of Visolieplein B.V.. We respect the privacy of our customers, and consider careful handling of personal data to be of great importance. Personal data are therefore carefully processed and protected by us.

When handling data, we comply with the requirements of the relevant privacy legislation. This means, among other things:

  • we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do so through this Privacy Statement;
  • we limit our collection of personal data to only those personal data necessary for legitimate purposes;
  • we first seek your explicit consent to process your personal data in cases where your consent is required;
  • we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and require the same from parties processing personal data on our behalf;
  • we respect your right to provide access to, correct or delete your personal data at your request.

This Privacy Statement tells you how we put these core values into practice and respect and protect your right to privacy. We encourage you to read it carefully.

Use of personal data

By using, you are submitting certain information to us. This may include personal data. We store and use only the personal data that is provided directly by you, or for which, on submission, it is clear that it is provided to us for processing. We may use the following data for the purposes stated in this Privacy Statement:

  • Contact information;
  • country of residence;
  • gender;
  • e-mail address;
  • company name;
  • telephone number;
  • payment details;
  • IP-address.
Special personal data

Special personal data are processed only with your explicit consent. We may use the following special personal data for the purposes listed below:

  • age;
  • weight;
  • medication use;
  • allergies;
Purposes of data processing

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Providing access to our website;
  • to make purchases in our web shop;
  • to create an account where your purchases can be found;
  • to contact us and/or provide feedback by using the contact form;
  • to answer your questions on our live chat.
  • to subscribe to our newsletter, whereby each newsletter includes an unsubscribe option;
  • to offer advice regarding supplements related to your health;
  • to help you should you have problems logging into your account.

We process your personal data if you enter into or wish to enter into a contract with us, we have your consent, or we are permitted or required to do so by law. You can withdraw your consent at any time. This does not affect the lawfulness of data processing before you withdrew your consent.

Retention periods

We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary to accomplish the purposes stated in this Privacy Statement, or for as long as we are required by law to retain the data.

  • Data you send us through contact or advisory forms will be retained until you delete your account, or in case you do not have an account, until you request deletion.
  • You will receive our newsletter until you unsubscribe. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before you withdrew your consent.
  • Your account login information will be retained until you delete your account.
  • Your billing and payment information will be kept until the service is completed and seven years thereafter, which is the legal retention period for the tax authorities.
Confidentiality & data disclosure to third parties

All data collected on our site, or obtained through our visitors, will be treated confidentially.

We will not disclose personal data in any other way or provide it to third parties unless you have given ( explicit) permission to do so, this is necessary within the framework of the execution of an agreement we have with you, or we are permitted or required to do so by law. The information you give us will be treated with the utmost care. When necessary to provide our services, we may transfer your information to the following parties:

  • ICT service providers;
  • postal delivery services;
  • cookie providers;
  • payment services.

We take appropriate security measures to limit misuse of, and unauthorized access to, your personal data. For example, we ensure that only the people required have access to your data, that access to your personal data is protected and that our security measures are checked regularly. We take the following security measures:

  • logical access control, using strong passwords;
  • physical access security measures;
  • automatic logging of all actions around personal data;
  • organizational access security measures;
  • securing network connections via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology;
  • purpose-specific access restrictions.
Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics to allow Google to provide us with insight into how our website is used, to provide us with reports about the website and to provide us with information about the effectiveness of our campaigns. The information we obtain in the process, including part of your computer's address (IP address), is transmitted to Google and stored by Google on servers in the United States. We have concluded a processing agreement with Google in which agreements are laid down regarding the handling of the collected data. Herein we have not allowed Google to use the obtained information for other Google services. Google may, however, provide information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or insofar as these third parties process the information on Google's behalf, we have no influence on this. More information about data processing by Google Analytics can be found in the Google Privacy Policy.

Third party websites

This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party websites that are linked to our website by links. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. Therefore, we encourage you to read the Privacy Statement of these websites before using them.

Rights of parties involved

If you have provided us with personal data, you may send us a request to view, amend, transfer or delete such data. You also have the right to object to processing, or to request restriction of processing. You can submit this request via the contact details at the bottom of this Privacy Statement.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

Smeets & Graas reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement. Changes will be published on our website. Therefore, please check this Privacy Statement regularly so that you are aware of any changes.

Dutch Personal Data Authority

Of course, we are pleased to help you as well if you have complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under privacy legislation, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Personal Data Authority against our processing of your personal data. To do so, you can contact the Personal Data Authority.


Should you have further questions and/or comments after reading this Privacy Statement, please contact us.

Cookie overview on

Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer's hard drive when you visit a website, and which recognize your computer the next time you visit. A cookie does not store your name, address, age or other personal information.

Smeets & Graas does not use advertising or affiliate networks. Thus, we do not use tracking cookies or related technologies and therefore, when you have visited our website you will not be bothered with ads from us elsewhere on the Internet.

For visitor statistics, we use Google Analytics. We have disabled the tracking functionality of Google Analytics and data (IP address) is anonymized.

For the live chat function on the website, we use Zendesk. The various videos on the website are hosted at Vimeo.

Functional cookies

We use these cookies to make the website work properly and specifically to chat with our visitors.

Cookie Company/Owner Purpose Retention period
PHPSESSID Smeets & Graas We keep the shopping basket in your browser during your visit to our website and, for example, whether you are logged into your account. 24 hours
smeetsengraas-gdpr Smeets & Graas This cookie remembers your preference for the cookie banner. 90 days
__zlcmid Zopim This cookie is used to enable our chat module to function. 12 months
__cfduid Zopim This cookie is used to enable our chat module to function. 12 months
Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to measure and learn from our visitors.

Cookie Company/Owner Purpose Retention period
_ga Google By using these cookies, we analyze activity on our website so that we can improve our website pages. We share this information with Google. These data are anonymized. 14 months
_gat_gtag_UA_* Google By using these cookies, we analyze activity on our website so that we can improve our website pages. We share this information with Google. These data are anonymized. 10 minutes
_gid Google By using these cookies, we analyze activity on our website so that we can improve our website pages. We share this information with Google. These data are anonymized. 1 day
_ceg.s / _ceg.u CrazyEgg This cookie records your visit and where you click on our website for further analysis about our visitors. These data are anonymous. 3 months