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About Smeets & Graas

Smeets en Graas Vitamins

Smeets & Graas Vitamins is an online specialty store that has been around for 20 years in 2024. We are a family business with 12 highly qualified employees and we work from an orthomolecular philosophy. The orthomolecular (nutrition) doctrine is based on making and keeping the human body healthy through an optimal supply of nutrients in the form of whole foods along with the use of nutritional supplements.

Your Health and Our Advice

Assisting you on your journey to (maintaining) good health is a task we take very seriously. No doubt you've heard it many times: every body is different. It is therefore extremely important for a company that tries to give the best advice to, on the one hand, keep a close eye on the latest scientific research and, on the other hand, listen to the personal experiences of our clients. We would therefore like to ask you to make use of our advice and feedback service. This is where you can ask all questions and make comments about health, nutritional supplements and everything related.


Smeets & Graas has been investing in expertise and quality for 20 years. Because only with thorough knowledge of supplements and their effects we can offer good advice. And by means of our food safety system (HACCP), approved by the Dutch Food Safety Authority (nVWA), the quality of the supplements and the company processes is guaranteed.

Testing We request analysis certificates from the manufacturer of the supplements we import. This allows us to assess whether the quality of the product meets our standards or not.

When the legislation in the country of origin regarding contaminants does not match our legislation, we have the product tested ourselves at an approved Dutch laboratory. This applies especially when there are different permissible values for possible contamination with substances such as heavy metals, PAHs, PCBs, microbial contaminants, etc..

We also randomly test sensitive products such as probiotics to determine whether the stability does not deteriorate due to factors such as time, temperature and humidity, for example. In this way, we can guarantee the quality of our products to our customers.

Product Range Smeets & Graas' specialized assortment consists of approximately 3500 products from several dozen brands. There are many brands and products on the market but we deliberately limit ourselves. We only want to sell the most interesting and high-quality brands and we want to have a solid knowledge of the products we sell. And that's not possible if you sell tens of thousands of them.

Purchase management Smeets & Graas purchases all supplements directly from the manufacturer or distributor. We have close relationships with these suppliers and therefore we are able to provide up-to-date and accurate product information. Often we are also the first to have new supplements and can send along nice and informative leaflets.

Logo Thuiswinkel Waarborg

Thuiswinkel Waarborg Smeets & Graas is a member of, the trade organization for online stores in the Netherlands and Belgium. A condition for this membership is certification by the Foundation for Certification Thuiswinkel Waarborg. This certification examines among other things whether members comply with privacy and consumer legislation and whether the web store is safe.

Logo Skal bio certificering

Skal certified Smeets & Graas sells approximately 260 organic supplements from 12 different brands. We intend to gradually expand our organic range over the next few years.

In order to be able to sell these products within the legal framework, we have been certified by the independent regulator Skal Biocontrole in the fall of 2019.
This makes Smeets & Graas one of approximately 5000 registered organic entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. Every organic company is visited and inspected annually by Skal.
Because of this certification, you can rest assured that the organic products we sell are truly organic.

You can download our Skal certificate here.

Logo Lid van de NPN

NPN Smeets & Graas is one of the few online stores in the Netherlands that has been a member of the trade association NPN for many years. NPN member companies are committed to strictly complying with applicable laws and regulations, to having a Food Safety Plan (HACCP) and to ensuring that consumers have access to a responsible range of safe, effective nutritional supplements, provided with adequate information.

  • We only sell high-quality products from well-known and reliable brands
  • We carry a complete assortment of most brands: this means you can finish your shopping in one go
  • Expect a fast delivery: most products are in stock and PostNL delivers within 24 hours
  • Comprehensive and detailed product information with clear product photos
  • Free expert advice with a response generally within 1-2 business days
  • Good accessibility by means of website forms, chat and telephone
  • An informative, fast and simple website with a convenient Supplements Guide
  • A free newsletter weekly with extras and offers
  • A wide choice of free payment methods, securely handled by payment provider CM Payments
  • No shipping costs for orders over 40 euro
  • On many products high discounts, up to 25%, including combinations of products.