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Testing, testing, testing, and even more testing

3. Finished products are first put into quarantine. Only after verifying that the efficacy and purity of the final products meet the specifications are the products released.

4. The stability of each batch is tested. This is to ensure that the product maintains 100% efficacy until the expiration date and thus meets the claims on the label. High ambient temperature and/or humidity can reduce the stability of certain ingredients, making them less effective.

Thorne verifies this by exposing a number of samples from a production batch to heat (40 degrees Celsius) and humidity (75% RH) for 90 days. At the end of the test, the products must still meet the label claim. If not, the product in question is reformulated.

Did you know that when you take a Thorne capsule out of the bottle, that capsule has undergone no less than 4 rounds of testing? There is no other supplement brand that checks products on this scale:

1. All raw materials are tested upon arrival for origin and possible contaminants. Thorne has two high-tech laboratories in-house where it is verified that all specifications are met.

Only when everything is 100% correct is a raw material put into production. If not, a batch that does meet the requirements is sought. If that fails, the scientific team works to find an alternative raw material that meets the conditions without compromising the efficacy of the formula.

2. During the production process, tests are carried out to verify that the correct amount of ingredients ends up in the capsules according to the formula. It is also closely monitored to ensure there are no defects with bottles, labels, or capsules during production.