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Weight Loss

Top 5 Weight & Slimming Supplements

Powerful Formulas

Thorne - Fibermend 330 grams of powder
330 grams of powder
330 grams of powder
  • Prebiotic digestive formula
  • Contains, among other things, green tea and fiber
Solgar - Thermogenic Complex 60 vegetarian capsules
Thermogenic Complex
60 vegetarian capsules
60 vegetarian capsules
  • Formula for lipid metabolism
  • Contains, among other things, green coffee, green tea and cayenne

4 Best Weight Loss Pills

Cressana - Garcinia Fatburner BIO 90 vegetarian capsules
HCA - Garcinia Cambogia
HCA from Garcinia cambogia is 100% natural and safe. It is one of the best known substances for weight management.
Thorne - Multi-Vitamin Elite 180 vegetarian capsules Thorne - Daily Greens Plus 204 grams of powder
Green Tea
Green tea is often used for cardiovascular health but is also known to have beneficial effects on weight.
LifeExtension - Forskolin 60 vegetarian capsules AOV - Schildkliernorm - 1027 60 vegetarian capsules
Traditionally, the tuber of coleus forskohlii is used. Forskolin (a diterpene) is the main active ingredient in the tuber.
Solgar - Thermogenic Complex 60 vegetarian capsules
Cayenne helps with weight maintenance.

All Weight Loss supplements

Thorne - Liver Cleanse 60 vegetarian capsules
Liver Cleanse
60 vegetarian capsules
60 vegetarian capsules
  • Formula for the liver
  • Contains berberine, milk thistle, burdock root and chicory
Thorne - Daily Greens Plus 204 grams of powder
Daily Greens Plus
204 grams of powder
204 grams of powder
  • Contains 28 powerhouse ingredients
  • Combination of greens, mushrooms, adaptogens and antioxidants
Thorne - Women's Balance 214 grams of powder
Women's Balance
214 grams of powder
214 grams of powder
  • Formula for women
  • Contains four patented ingredients: Quatrefolic®, Ubiqsome®, AuroraBlue® and Greenselect®
Thorne - Fibermend 330 grams of powder
330 grams of powder
330 grams of powder
  • Prebiotic digestive formula
  • Contains, among other things, green tea and fiber
Thorne - L-Arginine Plus 180 vegetarian capsules
L-Arginine Plus
180 vegetarian capsules
180 vegetarian capsules
  • Formula for heart and blood vessels
  • Contains L-arginine, resveratrol, R-alpha lipoic acid, green tea and vitamins
Jarrow Formulas - Adrenal Optimizer 120 tablets
Adrenal Optimizer
Jarrow Formulas
120 tablets
120 tablets
  • Formula for stressful situations
  • Contains, among other things, ashwagandha, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, Gotu kola, Schisandra, licorice root, B5 and DMAE

Our diet has changed tremendously over the years. Also, unfortunately, the quality of our food in terms of nutritional value has deteriorated. Where the emphasis used to be on protein and fruits and vegetables, now the emphasis is on carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are important energy suppliers for the body. In particular, fruits and vegetables contain slow carbohydrates. Slow carbohydrates keep blood sugar levels more stable. Consuming fast carbohydrates causes a rapid rise in blood sugar.

To lose weight, it is important to keep blood sugar levels as stable as possible. In addition to consuming enough fruits and vegetables, it is also important to include healthy fats on the menu, as well as adequate sources of protein. Fats and protein allow for longer satiety and keep blood sugar levels stable.

Avoid stress as much as possible, stress causes the production of cortisol and interferes with appetite control, you will be more likely to crave unhealthy foods in the form of quick carbohydrates.

Deficiencies of certain substances such as Vitamins and Minerals, for example, can be a cause of obesity. The body asks for the right nutrients and if it does not get them, the body goes in search, for example, you will get cravings for high calorie foods.

It is advisable to get enough exercise, which can suffice with regular walks, and does not have to be intense sports right away. It improves blood flow to the muscles and helps with weight loss.

Emotional eating can be a cause of obesity. It is good to recognize this in yourself and do something about the underlying problem. There can be many causes. Sometimes there is an underlying medical problem, the cause is due to the use of certain medications, or you are not getting into fat burning.

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Written by: Liesbeth Thoen
Reviewed and edited by: Wouter Olthof

Updated: December 9, 2022

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