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6 Best Pterostilbene Supplements

Jarrow Formulas - Pterostilbene 60 vegetarian capsules
Jarrow Formulas
  • Trans-Pterostilbene from Pterocarpus marsupium extract
  • An even more powerful form of resveratrol
Thorne - Memoractiv 60 vegetarian capsules
  • Formula for the ability to concentrate
  • Nootropic with ashwagandha, ginkgo, bacopa, caffeine, pterostilbene and lutein
OrthoVitaal - Resveratrol Duo 200 mg 60 vegetarian capsules
Resveratrol Duo 200 mg
  • With 100 mg trans-resveratrol and 100 mg pterostilbene
  • Trans-resveratrol from Polygonum cupsidatum

Pterostilbene is a popular compound that is naturally found in berries and other fruits. Learn more about Pterostilbene


You will find a pure Pterostilbene, three formula products, and two multis with this powerful nutrient on this page.

Pterostilbene supplement

What is Pterostilbene?

Pterostilbene (pterostilbene in English) is a methylated naturally occurring form of resveratrol. The difference is the better absorption and metabolic stability in the body of pterostilbene.

Like resveratrol, it is naturally produced by plants under the influence of bacteria and fungi. These two natural substances have a similar structure and are found in grapes, blueberries and other small fruits.

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