5 Best Omega-3 Supplements

Best source of omega-3 fatty acids
Fish oil is among the best sources of the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. And it is also more economical than algae oil and krill oil. All fish oil in our range

Vegan source of the fish oil fatty acids
Algae oil contains the same omega-3 fats as fish oil, but has the advantage of being suitable for vegetarians and vegans. However, it is less beneficial per amount of omega-3 than fish oil.

Very powerful omega-3 form
Crill oil contains the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in the form of phospholipids. This form is even more absorbable and effective than fish oil.

Other Omega-3 supplements
Not only flaxseed oil contains alpha-linolenic acid. Many plants/seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid. Here you will therefore find other sources of alpha-linolenic acid (the omega-3 form in flaxseed oil).

Best known vegetarian omega-3 source
Linseed oil contains the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. From this, the body itself can produce EPA and DHA to a limited extent.
Buy the best Omega-3 supplements here. The most important omega-3 sources at a glance. Or first read more about it below.
What are Omega-3 fatty acids?
The group of omega-3 fatty acids include the fatty acids ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Alpha-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid (cannot be produced by our bodies) and is found in large quantities in, for example, flaxseed oil. From alpha-linolenic acid the body can make the fatty acids EPA and DHA, but these can also be obtained from fatty fish or fish oil supplements (krill oil, Cod Liver Oil).
Omega-3 fatty acids for your health
The active ingredients in fish and krill oil are the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA contribute to normal heart function and are good for blood pressure. DHA is good for vision and supports brain function. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) contributes to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels.