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Glucomannan | Konjac

The Konjac plant (Amorphophallus konjac) is the source of glucomannan. Konjac flour is extracted from the ground and dried rootstock of the Konjac plant. This flour is particularly rich in glucomannan.

Glucomannan can aid in losing weight.

Glucomannan (Konjac) supplement

Glucomannan has one of the highest known water-binding capacities of any natural product, it can bind up to 100 times its own weight in water. Hence its use in diet products. Konjac extract, which is rich in glucomannan, is usually dissolved in water and drunk before a meal. The high water-binding capacity of glucomannan causes the water in the stomach to "thicken." It creates a highly viscous liquid that leads to a prolonged feeling of satiety.

In its statement of December 9, 2010, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) assessed the scientific evidence of the efficacy of glucomannan as having been provided in implementation of the Health Claims Regulation. Products with sufficient glucomannan can bear the following statement: "Contributes to body weight reduction when a minimum of 3 g of glucomannan is taken daily in three servings of at least 1 g each with 1-2 glasses of water before meals by an overweight person."

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