Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid | 330
This product from AOV contains 3000 milligrams of ascorbic acid per daily dose, it is an extremely pure and pure product.
This product consists of powdered form instead of capsules or tablets. At a daily dose, you will get a high dose of ascorbic acid of as much as 3000 milligrams. If you experience gastrointestinal symptoms when taking ascorbic acid, check out AOV Vitamin C Magnesium Ascorbate.
Powder form
The advantage to a product in powder form is that it is easy to take in higher doses, besides you may have difficulty swallowing tablets. This product is easy to consume and can also be mixed with other cold drinks such as milk or fruit juice.
Dissolve ½ tablespoon (about 1 gram) in water 3x daily with a meal.