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To pay for your order at Smeets & Graas

Smeets & Graas uses the services of CM Payments for the payment of your order.
CM Payments from Breda is a company specialized in communication and payment solutions. has been active in the online payment market for 20 years, at home and abroad.

You can therefore be assured that you can safely purchase your products from Smeets & Graas. The pages where you do the actual checkout are secured and the data you enter will be sent encrypted.

No fees are charged for payment methods.

The payment options:
Location Type of customer iDEAL Riverty/Afterpay Banktransfer Visa/Master Paypal Bancontact Sofort
Netherlands new customer icon icon icon icon ** icon ** icon icon
returning customer icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Belgium new customer icon * icon icon icon ** icon ** icon icon
returning customer icon * icon icon icon icon icon icon
Germany new customer icon * icon icon icon ** icon ** icon icon
returning customer icon * icon icon icon icon icon icon
Other EU countries new customer icon * icon icon icon ** icon ** icon icon
returning customer icon * icon icon icon icon icon icon

* In case you have a Dutch bank account.
** up to a maximum of 250 euros

Riverty/Afterpay allows you to pay afterwards, after reception of the products.
Terms and conditions Afterpay: Netherlands - Belgium